November 23, 2004

Feels like the movies

I love watching movies. Friends will no doubt attest to this. But lately, I feel that I am in one. Well, actually, it’s just that I am feeling something, which some people describe as “could only happen in the movies”.

Allow me to explain. (or die trying, kasi kahit sa sarili ko, hirap akong i-explain e, hehehe)

First, some warnings: There may be lots of digressing below. And after all is written, the subject and the head paragraph may seem to not even have any sort of connection with the whole post, but do try and keep up, please. Also, pardon me, but as you’ve probably noticed, I’m not really using this blogsite to write about my deep personal feelings, so I’m not very used to that kind of writing. Still I’m going to give this a shot.

Well, here goes nothing...

A few years back, I chanced upon a story that tried to define the relationship between Time and Love. Let me summarize as briefly as possible.

“Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived, Happiness, Sadness, and others, including Love. But the island was about to sink, so they prepared their boats to leave, all of them except Love, because he wanted to wait until the last possible moment before leaving. When the island was almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help, but all the other feelings refused to help him, each with their own excuse. Finally, somebody came and brought Love to safety. Unfortunately, Love did not recognize who it was. So he went to an elder called Knowledge to ask for his rescuer’s identity. Knowledge told Love that it was Time. When Love asked Knowledge why Time helped him, Knowledge replied that:

Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.”

I repeat: only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is. There, from that story, I found one relationship between Time and Love. I say ‘one’ because lately, I seem to have found another connection between these two. And no, I did not discover this through reading other stories. I discovered them while going through my own.

“Time flies when you’re having fun”. Now that’s a cliche that I think most, if not all of us believes in. But what I’ve discovered recently is that it (time) flies even faster when you are happy, in love. And when you are with the one you love, time just simply zooms away. Making you want to complain why time seems to be always in a hurry when you are together and why it seems to be dragging whenever you’re not. Now if only there is a Time commission or something where you may file your complaints (hehehe).

Someone commented that many people view this kind of feeling as one that can only happen in the movies (There, I’ve managed to connect back to my subject and head paragraph, hehehe). If this is so, then maybe we are indeed in one.

And I just love movies with happy endings.

To all our well-wishers, Thank you. Thanks for all the greetings.
And of course, Thank you Simmer.

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